Al-Ahram Al-Ektsady Magazine 2008/MAY /19
Dr. Nader Riad explains how to manage risks, and illustrates the important role that civil society organizations (CSOs) can play in this domain. At first, he shows the best precautions and devices to avoid and fight fires, and stresses the importance of applying fire codes. Then, he explains how insurance can contribute to avoiding or dealing with accidents. He singles out the role of the association of insurance companies (AIC) in Australia and Germany, and calls for a similar system to be applied in Egypt, too. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
In this study, Dr. Nader Riad talks about insurance and risk management, and depicts them as fundamental factors to achieve industrial development. Fires are one of the main sources of risks and damage. He explains how they can break out and evolve inside factories, and illustrates the best ways to put them under control. He affirms a fire code is fundamental to tackle this kind of problem whenever it occurs. Yet, such code can be successful only if factory personnel are trained to apply it and if the necessary extinguishing devices are available. An important contribution to avoiding fires or any other kind of accident and dealing with their aftermaths comes from insurance. Dr. Riad stresses the important role that civil society organizations (CSOs) can play in this field. In particular, he illustrates how one of these organizations – the association of insurance companies (AIC) – works in Australia and Germany. The AIC there orders that any facility or vehicle, before being licensed and insured, undergo specialized technical tests to see whether it meets safety requirements. Only if such examinations are passed can a license and insurance be issued. Dr. Riad calls for a similar system to be applied in Egypt, too. Furthermore, as those tests can only be carried out by specialists, introducing such system in Egypt would mean giving more chances to local experts.