A few points to consider: machinery and Equipment. We should direct financing to acquiring equipment and machinery Place of assembly for the provision of industrial services, spare parts and special raw material. The need for a places of assembly to provide industrial services, spare parts , and raw material is a very important issue. 3- A center for product evaluation and Reverse Engineering ؛ Product evaluation is considered among the essential industrial activities due to its importance in the evaluation of goods 4- To open the porthole of cooperation between Egyptian Industry and European Industry. ( Available in Arabic )
It is not an undisclosed fact that the relations between Germany and Egypt are not the product of a short period of time, but go back to tens of years and even more. Egypt occupies third place as an important trade partner of Germany. It is known that the famous German poet Gotha was greatly affected by a Thousand and One Night , in addition, to what has been written about the River Nile the German author Emil Ludwig. The German experience has proven that the Economy is the maker of progress and if the economy is healthy, then Politics, Education, Development and training are healthy as well. And as has been said, that success is a dynamic action that should not be restrained, similarly investing in success is a natural outcome of any future success. It is our opinion that in order to unleash the system of Modernization of the Egyptian Industry, we need financial German European sustainability .