
“Egyptian Industry…Present and Future” was the title of the symposium held by the Cultural Committee at Horus Training Hall last April 27. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, former minister of trade and industry, delivered a speech, while Dr. Nader Riad shed light on Abdel Wahab’s achievements and great career. Dr. Riad stressed that trade was greatly developed in the era of Abdel Wahab. (Available in Arabic- German in PDF)

Dr. Riad welcomed Eng. Abdel Wahab, stressing his great industrial experience and distinct personality, which had a great effect on different locations such as the military factories, El Nasr Automotive Manufacturing, iron and steel, and, last but not least, the Ministry of Industry. Accompanied by Dr. Riad and some leaders in the company, Eng. Abdel Wahab toured the factory’s up-to-date production lines. In a round-table dialogue with young engineers, Abdel Wahab said that he has been following the development of the company for more than 30 years. “I like Dr. Riad’s way of thinking and his outstanding ambition and determination to improve Egyptian industry up to the level of being able to compete worldwide. Globalization makes it incumbent upon us to create a strong presence and to be efficient in the global arena,” he said. He praised the company’s influential positives represented in the generations of pioneers and young people and welcomed to respond to questions such as: What is your opinion in the development of the Egyptian industry in your term of office, compared to the current situation in terms of competitiveness and self-sufficiency? What do you think of the privatization of public sector companies and whether it was possible to address this issue in a way suiting Egyptian nature? Do you think that the industrial gap between us and Western Europe has widened or converged over the past ten years?

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