Monday, January 16, 2006
Under the heading “Me and Germany”, organised by the Cairo International Writers Exhibition, opens tomorrow, Tuesday with a series of discussions with prominent Egyptian personalities who have experiences and memories of Germany. The first discussion begins next Friday with a meeting with Dr Mahmoud Hamdy, Minister of Wakfs (religious endowments) who will talk about his studies in German universities. Dr Tarek Kamel, Minister of Communications and Information Technology will give a brief on his experiences in Germany on 22 January. Businessman Samih Sawires, chairman of Orascom Hotels and Development will talk about his study experiences and his memories during the time he lived in Germany.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Engineer Dr. Nader Riad, chairman of Bavaria-Egypt who was given an award of merit (first class) by Germany, will talk about his experiences on 27 January. Among those who will also be talking about their experiences in Germany in a series of discussions are Dr Ashraf Mansour, founder of the German University in Cairo, Mustafa Gantar, chairman of the Uyoun el-Wadi Institute, Abdel Meguid Amer, head of the Egyptian Link for Graduates of German Institutes.