Thursday, December 14, 2006 
This article is a statement from Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman on the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Association ( CEEBA) to the members of the board and those participating in the gathering.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )

This article is a statement from Dr. Nader Riad, Chairman on the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Association ( CEEBA) to the members of the board and those participating in the gathering. He states: We, members of the business and academic communities, are proud of this unique initiative and will spare no efforts or resources to make it a success. It is not by chance that Egypt and Germany are celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the establishment of the three German schools in Cairo and Alexandria. These schools have always provided an outstanding educational level for its students through good and trying times. The German University in Cairo has crowned this success since its establishment a few years ago.

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