Sunday, September 26, 2010
The graduation party of the third class of the Tourism and Hotel Institute was attended by Dr. Hani Helal, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and by Eng. Nader Riad, chairman of the board of trustees of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology in Mataria. Dr. Helal expressed his ministry’s readiness to cooperate with any industrial, commercial or tourist body in developing programs for rehabilitating technicians and technologists to meet the bodies’ needs in the Egyptian labor market.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF )
The “Education for Employment” slogan has now become a reality and has proven to be successful during the past three years. This experiment has been a starting point for creating real job opportunities for youth of both sexes in and outside Egypt with considerable salaries and their certificates internationally recognized. Dr. Nader Riad said that building bridges of cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and the business community is a must for providing the labor market with scientifically and practically qualified graduates. The system enables students to practically practice their study in all fields and to be trained in their potential working places after graduation. Americana signed an agreement with the Ministry of Higher Education in July 2009 to increase the number of students to 1,500 annually and committed to secure the required training restaurants and trainers. This should have a positive impact on the labor market.