Tuesday, August 27, 2013 

Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour , the Minister of Trade and Industry issued a decision to appoint : Eng . Nader Riad , Dr. Ahmed Fekry Abd El Wahab , Omar Mehana , Dr. Waleed Mahmoud Gamal Eldin , Board members in the Federation of Egyptian Industries in its new session 2013 – 2016 The decision included : appointing Eng. Mohamed El Sewedy as a Federation Chairman , Eng. Tarek Tawfeek as a federation undersecretary of the private sector , Zaky Bassiouni as a federation undersecretary of the public business sector.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)

The minister of Trade and Industry issued a decision of the new appointments in the board of the new industrial chambers (15 Chambers), 75 members, 5 members for each chamber. The minister explained that he choose the best elements which have the ability to exert maximum effort and to achieve the full representation of small , medium and great sectors in order to ensure the desired balance of all the industrial sectors .

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