Wednesday, June 03, 2015
In the opening session of the economic forum held on the margin of President El Sisi’s visit and his meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Forum was attended by about 120 industry and business men from the Egyptian side and about 180 German Industry and business men. Dr. Nader Riad, the President of Egyptian German Business Council, delivered the opening statement, in which he assured that the Egyptian people retained their trust and hopes for the future and their country, and Egypt is capable of react to the current and future’s issues with the help of the friend countries and peoples, of which German no doubt is in the front of them.(Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
Dr. Eng. Nader Riad assued that the Egyptian German Business Council shall play an assistant effective role for developing and maximizing the economic and commercial connections and relations between Egypt and Germany, and between the Egyptian and the Germans. After a short period of time, Egypt shall return to encompass all its historic eras; pharaoes, Copts, moderate Islam, the Country of Ramsis II, Ikhnaton, And Tut Ankh Amon, Nefertari and Cleopatra, the country of the Pyramids and Suez Canal, the country of promising and emerging opportunities, we always welcome the German people in their friend country, Egypt not only as tourists but also as our investors and partners in the success. “Egypt returned again” a statement said by Saudi Arabia King Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz, RIP, who had a big popularity in the Arab world, describing the Egyptian June 30th Revolution. The same statement repeated by Dr. Nader Riad in his latest speech. In his speech he assured that the EGC members follow the same track and shall continue their support of the democratic principles and following the principles which governed and governs their lives as a method and means to refresh their country in supporting the democratic values, hailing the human rights, equal opportunities between citizens and job opportunities and empowering women and young people.