Al-Ahram Newspaper 2008/DECEMBER /15

The establishment of an alternate source of energy is strongly needed, as proven by a vast number of statistics’. 40% of Arab region’s inhabitants are deprived of energy, whilst the oil reserves are rapidly depleting. ( Available in Arabic – German in PDF)
The demand for an alternate energy source is growing more severe as time progresses, especially in light with the depleting oil reserves. Egypt has the ideal conditions for a number of alternate sources such as solar and wind power. Discussions are currently underway to develop a sufficient plan to utilize these sources, whilst a number of statistics are being analyzed. In addition, an economic study will be submitted to the first Arab social economic development summit in January, whilst a number of workshops will be held in cooperation with the World Bank in support these new developments. It is important to note that this situation does not just affect Egypt but every nation; therefore it is suggested that all nations establish new energy policies. Germany is a fine example by which we must follow as 57% of its domestic production in electricity is from photo energy. The move toward producing energy from alternate sources has begun.

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